Digital restoration, retouching and manipulation.
With the fast moving pace of modern digital photography it's all to easy to forget those important images of family and friends that exist only in print, negative or slide. Bringing them to life and into the world of digital media gives them a poignant and renewed lease of life that is then easily distributed to family and friends and archived for future generations.
Your originals are professionally scanned then using the latest software and experience built up over many years will enable us to get the most out of any image. AI opens up more possibilities and along with an experienced professional can reduce retouching times.
For an honest assessment you are welcome to send prints in or visit the studio to discuss what can be done. Cost for retouching depends on complexity, every image is different, some indeed may not require anything more that our standard scanning service. Finished images will be emailed to you.
To finish the process our print service will show the images off at their best.
Retouching and manipulation.
Whether you require some wedding photographs to be professionally retouched or a favourite image of a child that you want to get the most from our expertise in this area goes without saying with extensive experience of retouching for clients and ourselves. Improvements to skin tones, overall colour corrections and a professional touch will bring them further to life. Pro retouching software can reduce retouching times. Removal of distracting artefacts and persons are also possible especially with new AI capabilities. Time is charged at £10.00/15mins.